Thursday, August 4, 2011

A new me!

Lately i have noticed I have been comparing myself to EVERYONE around me. I am not particularly happy with who I am right now and I want to change. This is why I am starting this blog. I've wanted to start a self improvement/weight loss blog for some time now. I want to become a new me by the time I am 30. How? I have made a list of 101 things that I want to accomplish before then. I think these things will help me feel accomplished and happier with myself as a person. I have 3 years. My birthday is next week and I will be 27. Lets get started. Here is my list:

1. Get a pedicure.
2. Make a quilt.
3. Read the Book of Mormon
4. Take piano lessons.
5. Lose 10lbs
6. Lose 20lbs
7. Lose 30lbs
8. Lose 40lbs
9. Lose 50lbs
10. Make bed everyday for one week. :)
11. Make a video and send to "Funniest Home Videos."
12. Take a fun exercise class. (Dance, tennis, etc.)
13. Organize old photos and scan to computer.
14. Go horseback riding
15. Take an advanced cake decorating class.
16. Go camping once a year.
17. Get a professional massage.
18. Finish quiet books for my kids.
19. Pay off Auto loan on van.
20. Go on a cruise.
21. Buy a new home.
22. Complete 72 hour kit for everyone in family.
23. Get 1 year food storage supply.
24. Run a 5K.
25. Make a years worth of Family Home Evening lessons.
26. Visit a friend that lives out of state. (Utah not included)
27. Read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman with Donny
28. Buy and use a teeth whitening kit.
29. Visit 2 new states I have never been to.
30. Update family blog monthly.
31. Try a new activity with my kids each month.
32. Cook one warm breakfast each week for 3 months.
33. Donate 10 crocheted items to humanitarian aid.
34. Learn how to bottle vegetable and do it.
35. Refurbish one piece of furniture.
36. Make and freeze 15 freezer meals.
37. Decorate my children's room(s).
38. Get a piano or keyboard.
39. Stick to a cleaning schedule for 2 months.
40. Read a new book at least every other month.
41. Write in a journal once a week for 3 months.
42. Have 100% visiting teaching for 6 months in a row.
43. Make a budget and stick to it for at least 3 months.
44. Host a monthly game night for 3 months.
45. Plant a garden each year.
46. Go to Disney world.
47. Teach Tyler to read.
48. Finish reading "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey
49. Use coupons for groceries for 2 months.
50. Put at least $2000 into an emergency fund.
51. Have missionaries over for dinner at lease every other month.
52. Wash the house carpets.
53. Frame a large family picture and display in home
54. Get a new rug for living room.
55. Make or buy throw pillows for couch and bed.
56. Try ethnic food I've never eaten before.
57. Write to my brothers monthly while they are serving their missions.
58. Send care package to my 2 brothers on missions.
59. Crochet a baby blanket.
60. Make 3 months worth of baby food.
61. Take more pictures of Donny and I together.
62. Keep a potted plant alive for an entire year.
63. Buy entire temple wardrobe.
64. Go on a date with Donny at least once a month.
65. Make a crock pot meal once a week for 2 months.
66. Do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred in 30 days.
67. Bring each of my sons on a mommy/son date every 3 months.
68. Take vitamins every day for 1 month.
69. Go on an overnighter with Donny and no kids!
70. Get a passport.
71. Get life insurance.
72. Finish and entire book of Sudoku puzzles.
73. Try a new recipe every month and put it on family recipe blog.
74. Write a letter to each of my kids to read when they are older.
75. Send someone a hand written letter or postcard each month for 6 months.
76. Go vegetarian for one week. No meat.
77. Make a list of 30 things I like about myself.
78. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a month.
79. Stop biting my nails as a nervous habit.
80. Develop photos and put in hallway frame.
81. Decide on a college degree.
82. Join a gym.
83. Do a 30 day challenge on family blog.
84. Volunteer somewhere.
85. Take a community course. (gardening, etc.)
86. Make 10 homemade gifts for people. (birthdays, baby, holiday, etc.)
87. Buy a new bike.
88. No carbonation for 6 months.
89. Make a headboard for my bed.
90. Try 10 new restaurants.
91. Donate hair to locks of love.
92. Do the 12 days of Christmas for someone.
93. Bake the turkey for Thanksgiving.
94. Go to a major sporting event.
95. Have a personal training session at a gym.
96. Bring whole family to the dentist.
97. Make a pinata.
98. Get a puppy.
99. Make and keep an updated address book.
100.Go to Indiana and meet Donny's grandparents.
101. Create a spare change jar to spend on my 30th birthday.


  1. Great list! You are inspiring. 3 year to do it! I believe in YOU! Loves!

  2. BTW #26- You are welcome to visit anytime!

  3. My you are ambitious! Good luck! By the way, I think #15 was supposed say "TEACH" not "take" ;). Oh, and I would love to fulfill your #26 requirement!
